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My name is Javiera, i was born in Santiago, Chile and i have lived here all my life.

I´m a 20 year old Gemini, i study Architecture in the University of Chile since last year, and i cant wait to go there on person. as you see, a im also really into Astrology and psicology, i'm usually  reeding or investigating about it. In my free times i used to dance, this is a hobby which has been next to me all my life and i really love it. Before, in the pre-covid life, i used to take all the dance clases as i could, going back and forth, crossing the whole city. I really miss that. I also keen of films and music. my fouvourite gender is mistery and suspense i guess, but i enjoy every good film, the same with music, although i preffer R&B, disco, Hiphop, and jazz, far ahead the rest.

About my family, i can tell you that we are very close each other,  However, sometimes  cohabitation might be hard because we are too defferet between us. well, i think is normal leaving together and confined 24/7. 

My mom is i nice and admirable woman, my sister is a teacher, and she is carring a baby (i´m really exiting to knew him/her), my dad is a quiet person who loves his work and is deep in love with food just like me.

My older brother doesnt live here, but we keep on touch often, he lives near to my house.He is the father of my favorites persons, my nephews: Tomás, Jacinta and Antonia.

my grandmother passed away last year, but we keep her memories alive in our minds and hearts.

My three dogs and my cat are my family too, they are amazing, and the best company.


  1. Hi Javiera! It is great that you investigate such interesting topics, I really hope this pandemic ends soon so that you can dance again sooner, you have a beautiful family, I also had dogs and now i have cats, they really are incredible.


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