I dont really into tecnology pieces so if i have to choose one it is the most cotidian: my phone.
i use a old smarthphone which is too slow and basic, but it works for the necesary: i mainly use the phone to keep on contact with my friends and the world. i consume a lot of entretaiment content too: curiosities, film recomendations, fashion, dance, humor, mental health, make up, anything. i think phones makes our life easier, and represents how inmediat is information nowadays
. you can find anything and the information never ends, that's what makes the phone a little dangerous too, because, in to many people, it became compulsive, it absorved them completely, that can be a problem, especially now, when our mental health is week and invided of unciertianty and fear in such cases.
nevertheless, a concient use of the phone means to me a life conected to everithinng you want when you want, diferent types of social interactions and a good tool for artist, musicans, dancers, singers, to make known their work. After all, is this content that keep us alive and making this confinement more bearable.
There is a phone to every type of person, literally is a complement to our life in every topic we need, it becames part of us, even including people who were not interested of use one, nowadays have to use some, to keep on touch, or something as simple as making a authorization to go outside.
thats so normaliced, that i can even imagine life now, in 2021 without smarthphones. All of our coulture would be so difrent without the globalization, social media or inmediat contact... So many artist would never grow or opened up to the world, too many couples would have never known eachother, too many informatíon would be censored, many news would never come to light. In general, i think the world would be slowly.
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