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Showing posts from April, 2021


My name is Javiera, i was born in Santiago, Chile and i have lived here all my life. I´m a 20 year old Gemini, i study Architecture in the University of Chile since last year, and i cant wait to go there on person. as you see, a im also really into Astrology and psicology, i'm usually  reeding or investigating about it. In my free times i used to dance, this is a hobby which has been next to me all my life and i really love it. Before, in the pre-covid life, i used to take all the dance clases as i could, going back and forth, crossing the whole city. I really miss that. I also keen of films and music. my fouvourite gender is mistery and suspense i guess, but i enjoy every good film, the same with music, although i preffer R&B, disco, Hiphop, and jazz, far ahead the rest. About my family, i can tell you that we are very close each other,  However, sometimes  cohabitation might be hard because we are too defferet between us. well, i think is normal leaving together and...

How safe is to give your personal information on websites such as Facebook, My Space and any others? Whats the limmit for you?

  I think social media isn`t a place to keep your personal information on private, and they may be unsafe if you are  not concious that this place is extremely public and vulnerable of hacks. Nowadays technology is almost our partner, is so confortable to us, just ask anything to Alexa or Google, rather than search that on a book.  We grew up knowing that information es so near to us, literelly at our hands. We all know that Algorithn is more specify every day and we keep using our phones such an ours a day , exposing all our interests and founding infinit and personalized content. of course, all of this is just possible if the network knows its clients, to bring them what they want with the less effort as posible. This is how technology works and its almost imposible to be appart from, however i think its our responsability how much we shere on internet, and being concious by the risks. Personally, im concious that i use Instagram and Tiktok a lot, i really into social m...